
Higher Light Transmittance

With low-iron base and AR coating technology, our glass has one of the highest light transmission standards in the world.

Scattering of Light

A special glass pattern together with AR coating allows the light to cover the greenhouse evenly to increase the yield as well it reduces the high temperature on top of crops during hot seasons in case of burning, wilting.

Long Shelf Life

With leading Etching AR technology, our glass creates the AR layer on the glass body itself, which lead to the long shelf life of the glass.

High Safety Standards

With the highest tempering standards, the glass is much and even broken the fragments are small enough to avoid harm to humans and crops.

About us

Cropglazing is a professional agricultural horticultural greenhouse glass manufacturer. We have two levels of greenhouse glass including tempered diffuse glass and tempered float glass with 2 sides or 1 side AR coating. With one of the highest light transmittance standards in the world our anti-reflective glass has been well recognized by global leading growers and greenhouse manufacturers.

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